Denise joined JLF in March 2024. She has over 10 years’ experience of leading change across the third sector. Substantial experience of leadership, management and culture development through developing teams, individuals, and organisations, with an emphasis on inclusion and belonging.
Denise brings a constructive critical and systemic methodology to understanding issues and developing solutions with a people centred learning approach. From 2018 - 2023 her leadership at UnLtd as Director of Social Entrepreneur Support, enabled grant giving to the value of 30M through endowed funds and partnership collaboration. Plus, an overhaul of processes and procedures rooted in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging.
Her leadership as Chair of the EDI working group for the Association of Charitable Foundations produced the leading guide to the pillars of stronger foundation practice through the lens of EDI. ACF_DEI_Thepillarsofstrongerfoundationpractice_final.pdf
She has also worked for Safer London, The Peter Jones Foundation and Enterprise UK.
Denise is a trustee with Turn 2 Us. A charity which breaks down the barriers to financial exclusion, and believes everyone in the UK should have financial security so they can thrive. Tackling Financial Insecurity Together | Turn2us