Frequently Asked Questions
How can I apply for a grant?
At present JLF does not accept or consider unsolicited grant applications. We prefer to seek out organisations who align with our mission and values.
Does JLF fund individuals?
No. We only fund organisations that are carrying out charitable activities.
Where does the JLF’s money come from?
Our foundation was set up in 1965 by Joseph Levy who had been a successful property developer after the second world war.
Lawrence Levy, Joseph’s youngest son, was a successful sports photographer and he set up his own charitable trust. Following Lawrence’s death, in 1995, the Lawrence Levy Charitable Trust was merged with the Joseph Levy Foundation.JLF has an endowment (currently approximately £22m) which is invested in order to generate the funds we use to make grants and to meet our running costs each year.
Who runs JLF?
We are a registered charity. The Executive Director and the Board of Trustees meet regularly and sets the overall strategic direction of our grant making. At present, our Board is made up of 1 Chair and 5 trustees. 4 of these individuals descend from the Levy family.
We are in the process of creating a new equitable grant making strategy, which we aim to launch by the end of the 2024 calendar year. We will update our website whenever these details are available.
Do you do anything other than make grants?
We are keen to make the greatest possible difference with all our resources. As we begin to shape the new equitable grant making strategy, we will also be reviewing what additional support we can offer.
We do make the meeting room in our office available for grantees to use free of charge. To find out more about this click here.
What are JLF’s aims?
Our mission is to promote change and make a difference in the lives of others by supporting non -profit organisations that help those most in need in their communities, across the UK. We have a particular interest in supporting children and young people. Please see our About page for more detail.