Grantmaking approach
Working with others:
We seek opportunities to share learning and to work or fund collaboratively with other donors where that will increase our collective impact.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning:
We are keen to understand the effect our support has had on the lives of disadvantaged people and/or communities.
We want to understand the impact our funding has had and what progress has been made towards anticipated project outcomes. Also, what achievements, unexpected difficulties or new opportunities may have been encountered on the way.
We are also keen to monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of our grantmaking process. Through our grant monitoring form, we seek feedback from every funded organisation on how we might improve the service we offer to them.
Beyond Grantmaking:
We recognise that there may be issues which cannot be tackled by grantmaking alone. To tackle long term or entrenched problems we will use our convening power to connect people, projects and ideas.